Work to develop SNAP Actions continues

The SNAP Leadership Panel has been working continuously for around six months to review, revise and finalise the Actions that will be in Scotland’s next SNAP. Members hold an extended monthly business meeting, and work in between meetings either individually or in subgroups, often consulting expert external stakeholders.

Many issues affecting people’s rights in Scotland are being explored, including COVID-19 recovery, the cost-of-living crisis, education, employment, health and social care.

The Panel’s aim is to develop a set of ambitious but practical Actions to address these issues and improve people’s human rights outcomes. It has identified a set of Core Criteria to help guide their prioritisation of Actions. These are set out below.

Specific – The action is clear and unambiguous.

Collaborative – The action is delivered by a partnership of public bodies, rights holders, and civil society.

Feasible – The action has the necessary resources, support from high-level and delivery-level duty bearers, and is realistic and achievable (e.g. within devolved powers).

Measurable – There will be concrete indicator(s) to measure progress and impact.

Results – The action will achieve positive impact and outcomes for rights holders.

Time-bound – The action has a timeframe and target date.

We’ll continue to provide more information about the Panel’s work as it progresses.

If you would like to find out more, contact the SNAP Secretariat by emailing