SNAP 2 actions and delivery

A Living Action Plan

The highlighted issues and actions included in SNAP 2 at the time of publication are a starting point. They were identified by two multi-stakeholder groups – the Development Working Group (2018-2019) and the SNAP Leadership Panel (2022-2023). Based on the evidence, both groups made difficult and informed decisions about which actions to include, and the absence of issues/actions is not intended to imply these are not also important.

SNAP 2 is a living plan. Action delivery will be phased and rolling so that issues can be addressed on an ongoing basis. After launch, the independent SNAP Secretariat will move into the Directorate for Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights within the Scottish Government. Its first task will be to undertake consultation with delivery stakeholders around each of the actions, working with the SNAP Leadership Panel to revise or update the actions, if necessary, whilst always maintaining the purpose and intended impact of each action.

The SNAP Leadership Panel will then work with Scottish Government and delivery stakeholders to agree timelines and resourcing for phased delivery. At every stage of SNAP 2 development and implementation, it is important that there is transparency and clarity around decisions on the phasing of actions, decisions on the resources needed and available to progress these, and on achievements. 

Core Criteria

As well as the guiding human rights principles and priorities, the SNAP Leadership Panel used the following core criteria to identify and develop actions.

  • Specific.

The action is clear and unambiguous.

  • Collaborative.

The action is delivered by a partnership of public bodies, rights holders, and civil society.

  • Feasible.

The action has the necessary resources, support from high-level and delivery-level duty bearers, and is realistic and achievable (e.g., within devolved powers).

  • Measurable.

There will be concrete indicator(s) to measure progress and impact.

  • Results.

The action will achieve positive impact and outcomes for rights holders.

  • Time-bound.

The action will have a time-frame and target date.

Scope of SNAP 2

SNAP 2 is a significant part of a wider, long term and ongoing national process to promote and protect human rights in Scotland. The aim is to be ambitious in scope, but realistic and achievable.

An important consideration for the SNAP Leadership Panel in identifying actions was that they should not repeat or duplicate other work. Instead, SNAP 2 should complement other national action plans. The actions should also build upon the human rights ambitions stated in national policy and strategy, thereby helping to bridge the ‘implementation gap’.

Collaboration and Participation

SNAP is a collaboration of many individuals and organisations in its development, delivery and oversight.

For example, the SNAP Leadership Panel – which developed and will monitor SNAP 2 – is a partnership of members who are rights holders, civil society and public body representatives, and Scotland’s National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). Similarly, the actions should be delivered collaboratively by rights holders, public bodies, and civil society organisations.

The SNAP Leadership Panel has identified some potential public body and civil society delivery partners for different actions. These organisations may vary from action to action, depending on their areas of expertise. Rights holders will be involved in every action because participation is an underpinning human rights principle of SNAP 2.

Implementing each action will start with identifying and engaging all key delivery stakeholders. Discussions will include planning, resourcing, implementation and monitoring of the relevant action.

The Actions

In the SNAP 2 action plan document, the 54 actions at the time of publication are listed under the eight priorities.

Many actions relate to multiple elements of people’s lives and rights. For example, one action alone can engage the right to equality and freedom from discrimination as well as the rights to education and to be free from violence and abuse. Therefore, although each action in the plan is set out under one priority, most actions relate to several priorities.

The list of issues provided under each priority is not intended to represent a complete record of every human rights concern in Scotland. Instead, these are a non-exhaustive note of issues highlighted during the development of SNAP 2 that relate most closely to the actions.

Some people can experience greater barriers to enjoying their human rights because of inequality and discrimination as a result of their characteristics or how their characteristics intersect. These people, whose rights are most at risk, can vary from issue to issue and action to action. Delivery stakeholders, including rights holders, should therefore work together to identify the people whose rights are most at risk in relation to each action.

You can download the SNAP 2 action plan document from here. Or click the links below to read about the issues and actions under each of the SNAP 2 priorities.

Achieve a decent standard of living.

Improve health, wellbeing and the environment.

Enhance education and work.

Protect private and family life.

Ensure justice.

Learn from COVID-19.

Realise a human rights culture.

Plan and support incorporation.

SNAP 2 actions icon
SNAP 2 actions

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